Whats a YouTube Tag Generator and Why Should You Use It?

Whats a YouTube Tag Generator and Why Should You Use It?

In this era when everything has gone digital, people rush to garner more from the ever-advancing technology. Among the most trending and common online media channels people use is YouTube, and there are good reasons for that. Currently, over 62 % of enterprises and businesses market their products and services using YouTube. This video channel has become the second most used search engine after Google. According to research by Oberlo, about 90% of internet users, or even those who do not use, say that they discover a new service or product through YouTube. But how is it that a single video can reach millions of customers within the shortest time possible? 

Yes, it is possible with tag generators. YouTube tags play a critical role in YouTube Search Engine Optimization as they help the channel to understand the content of a video and also help the video show up on search results. Therefore the generators are important as they pledge to optimize those YouTube tags for both new and existing content to increase a video's visibility. 

If you are a marketer or content creator and need to promote your content to reach more audiences and show up on search results, then you need to use YouTube tags. So, what are YouTube tags, how do they work, and why are they important? Here is a complete guide on everything you need to know about YouTube tags. 

Identify your most important core words to include into your tags

Identifying your core words is a great first step to mastering the art of YouTube video marketing. Using the right words will ensure your content is more easily found, ranked higher, and viewed. However, not every video producer knows how to go about this. Fortunately, there are tools to help you out.

The most obvious first step is to identify your core words, and make a list. Next, determine which of those words you wish to target. In general, YouTube prefers a handful of two to three word phrases. This allows you to maximize your keyword exposure and avoid overdoing it with long-tail keywords.

Next, identify the one or two core words you wish to target, and use them in your title. In a video, your title is the most visible part of your video, and it's important to grab attention. You can do this with a catchy title and compelling description. It's also a good idea to add a link to your site in the description, especially if you plan to sell a product.

Last but not least, make sure to incorporate a meta-tag or two. Meta-tags can give you more context and help your video rank higher. It's also important to keep an eye on your channel's growth. Adding tags is a fun way to play with your content, but you must monitor its performance.

The best way to do this is to use a free tool to extract your video's tags. Some of the tools are more sophisticated than others, so be sure to choose the best one. You can also use a tool like YouTube's own Search Console to help you find and fix your tag problems. Once you have your list of core words, you can start implementing the aforementioned methods. With the tips above in mind, you're ready to master the art of YouTube video marketing. You'll see an improvement in your rankings, more subscribers, and increased traffic to your channel. With the right tools, you can make your video the next big hit. The key is to remember that the right tags, descriptions, and other elements can make or break your content.

What Are YouTube Tags?

Video tags or YouTube tags are keywords that can be added to YouTube videos to optimize them for SEO so they can appear on search engine results. These tags enable YouTube to understand the video context and content, allowing the video search engine to show the video in relevant searches. For instance, if you have video content about how to bike, you might want to use Youtube tags such as "biking," "bicycle," "mountain biking," and "how to bike." 

With this, it will be easier for YouTube to show the video to the audience and search on the engine using the terms. These words are meta descriptions to aid the Youtube algorithms in categorizing the video and comprehending what it is about. As an SEO-savvy person, you've automatically understood what this means. Generally, YouTube tags are not hashtags. While you can put hashtags in your YouTube video description to help audiences to find relevant content, they do not help with Search Engine Optimization. 

Because of the popularity of the term hashtags, it is so easy to confuse them with YouTube tags. To start with, there are two types of tags, that is hashtags and traditional plain tags. The hashtags can be seen under the video and are vital for YouTube SEO. Viewers can search for them and, once clicked, then redirect to a landing page for a special hashtag. 

The hashtag curates and groups together trending videos under each hashtag. Unlike hashtags, tags cannot be seen anywhere on the platform. They can only be entered in separate fields when uploading videos. Although they are vital, they are not as important as they used to be back then. 

How Do YouTube Tag Generators Work ?



YouTube tag generators work by pulling information from the autocomplete feature of YouTube. As users type the phrases related to the video, YouTube will automatically provide related phrases that could be used as tags. During this process, the tag generators will speed up and automate the process. Additionally, most YouTube tag generators provide users with statistics on how frequently or commonly the tags are used. They glimpse the popularity of particular subjects on the platform. Likewise, the tag generators can extract hashtags and tags from popular videos that appear as search results for your video keyword. 

However, if you use tag generators, you need to be careful. Sometimes the generator and keyword research tools can provide several keywords, some of which might be irrelevant. While the keywords could be plenty, ensure that you do not overuse them because using more than Fifteen tags can harm your video's overall ranking. Youtube will mark them as spam, and so the platform will ignore all of them. 

Importance of YouTube tags

Being the second largest search engine, YouTube has a large number of users worldwide. Over two billion people use it to find videos for different content topics. So, tags help viewers discover video content on the platform reaching a wider audience. According to YouTube, the most vital SEO factors include video thumbnails, titles, and descriptions. But YouTube tags are a great secondary way of boosting visibility and discoverability on the channel. 

YouTube video tags grasp the video content context and content. This allows the platform to understand the video category and link it with similar content on the search engine. Although not as significant, the tags are vital when a video's target keywords are mostly misspelled. Users can tag misspelled words without including them in titles or descriptions. Moreover, tags aid in organizing and finding own content in the case of self-reference tagging.

How to add YouTube tags

1. On your YouTube channel, go to your profile picture and click YouTube studio from the drop-down menu.

2. Pick content from the left menu

3. Hover over a video you want to edit and tap on the details

4. Navigates through the video details and tab on show more

5. Here, you can now add all relevant tags restricted to 500 characters total in the tags section.

6. Click save on the top right corner of the screen, and you are done.

How to track the performance of YouTube tags 

After you are done tagging your YouTube videos, it is vital to track their performance. There are some metrics you can use to track how successful your content has been with the tags. These metrics include.

Watch time- This includes how long viewers perspective the video

Views- These include the number of people that have watched the video

Traffic sources- This is where most of the viewers come from. It could be YouTube-suggested videos, YouTube searches, or any other channel.

Engagement: This includes the number of viewers that engage with a video.

In tracking the metrics, YouTube analytics are the best way. Click on your profile picture on the YouTube homepage, click YouTube studio, then analytics.

Finding the right keyword for your video

When posting a video on YouTube that you want to be optimized for SEO, you need to start with keyword research. Here you need to search for words and phrases that drive more valuable traffic and create the list. When creating content for video marketing, you will have to enter a list of words into the tag section and expand the scope to offer more precise guidance for the YouTube algorithm and place them in the right context.

Best practices when using YouTube tags. 

  1. Make the first tag the primary or target keyword and order the others by importance. 
  2. Other tags apart from the main one should be broad keywords that describe the overarching topic that video content falls under should be used. 
  3. Use specific keywords that describe your video content as other tags in the YouTube tags 
  4. Keep the tags as short and precise as possible, mostly two-three words 
  5. Do not overuse the tags, as they will cause confusion and affect your video ranking. 
  6. Always make use of YouTube auto-suggest 
  7. Get inspiration from already ranking videos.

YouTube Tag Generators: Effective way to get more visitors.

Once you own a YouTube channel, you will keep looking for visitors to view and watch the content you provide. It can take a bit longer before you get at least 1000 viewers and subscribers. This means your channel remains "ungrowing" as well, and you will strain much to look for viewers. However, it's now easy with YouTube Tag Generator. In other words, YouTube Tag Generators effectively attract visitors to your channel.

As the industry of content creation and selling continues to grow, there have been different YouTube Tags Generators, each claiming to out rule others. Therefore, there are plenty of YouTube Tags generators out there. Although you will have the chance to go with your choice, considering the best one is only the way to boost your YouTube channel. In other words, your YouTube tag generator choice will determine how your channel will generate viewers and subscribers. But don't strain so much; this article has done the best selection for you.

Best YouTube Tags Generators 2022

Tube Ranker

If you want an effective tool for tag generation, Tube Ranker will give you the right experience. It contains a series of tools suitable for generating tags, including title generation and tracking the rank. In addition, it's rare to get a tag generator that provides a unique tag extractor for YouTube videos, but Tube Ranker does. Such a YouTube Tag extractor tool allows you to extract and show all meta tags related to video content already in public. Of course, this is a breakthrough in learning competitors' strategies. Then you come up with a great idea to out rule them.

YTube Tool

The big reason you would like to use YouTube tag generators is to beat your competitors. Indeed, all videos created and put on YouTube are a matter of competition, and without knowing which criteria to use to stand firmly from the competition, your channel will be a sort of nothing. 

You need to stay tuned and know all the competitive strategies in the market, and this will be possible with YTube Tool. This tool spys all the strategies other public videos are using. In other words, YTube Tool will get you video tags of competitors instead of generating new ones for your videos. With much saving time, it will optimize your video based on SEO strategies by generating and providing new tag suggestions. 

Each suggested tag also comes with the times it has been used in videos. Therefore, this allows you to prioritize the most useful suggested tag for your video.


The functionality of the VidIQ YouTube tag generator is not far from that of Tube Ranker. VidIQ aims not only to generate tags for your video but provides insight into what viewers say. This kind of tag generator bases its ranking strategy on providing tag analytics, keyword research, and SEO techniques. Therefore, with VidIQ, it's easy to make choices on which tags to incorporate in your videos that cover the most important keyword search and increase visitors to the channel. 

Rapid Tags

Most videos doing well on YouTube have been using Rapid Tags. This platform uses high-ranking tools that analyze keywords based on what other videos are using. For example, most TikTok videos rely on Rapid Tags; that is why they shine now and then. As a tags analyzer, it uses a metric tracking strategy that helps your video navigate through high competition in video ranks.


It's a perfect YouTube tag generator that can help you generate great tags and increase visitors to your YouTube channel. Tubeast is available as a free version, although it limits the number of applications. However, the limited chance you get through the free version won't limit you from getting your video's best rank. You are good to go with Tubeast, as it uses SEO analytics and strategies to generate tags.


No matter how creative or entertaining your videos are, they can face much competition on YouTube. For this reason, as you consider developing creative skills in your videos, extracting strategies your competitors are using is the key. Today YouTube tags are the strategies that give your videos the best shot to shine throughout YouTube. Remember, there are millions of videos on YouTube and some similar content. Therefore, you need to use YouTube tags generators to filter the best tags for your video that capture search keywords. However, as there are so many YouTube tag generators, you need to choose wisely, as your choice will determine how your video will grow on YouTube.